Flowology Mindset

flowologyFlowology Mindset™

Our Invitation

We invite you to adopt the Temple of Poi Flowology Mindset™. If you’re uncertain it is right for you, we encourage you to try it for a limited period and then, if you don’t like it, don’t use it. A 6 week trial commitment provides the data necessary to draw conclusions regarding this mindset. During this trial, embrace the mindset rigorously in your practice.

Our mindset asks you the practitioners, to the best of your ability (which by the nature of learning will improve over time), to incorporate the three principles outlined below in your flow practice. Should you realize the invaluable gifts created in your flow practice through this mindset, we encourage your enthusiastic inclusion of these principles throughout your life and invite you to share the mindset with other’s who are willing to try it.

3 Principles of the Temple of Poi Flowology™ Mindset

Principle I: Leave your judgment outside the door.

    • Learning presents enough challenges without adding the unnecessary weight of self judgment or the negative impact experienced in judging (and being judged by) others. We have witnessed countless students discouraged because they judged themselves. We have experienced dampened creativity when ego driven judgments trample acceptance of Self and Other.
    • The first principle asks students to embrace learning as a process, understanding that mastering a flow art (much like life) is an ongoingpractice rather than a drive thru meal completed as quickly as possible.
    • Just as adults speak more powerfully at 33 than they could at 3, flow practitioners will build their skills and artistry through lessons and experiences acquired over time.
    • This principle reminds students to be compassionate with their own learning process and to offer Others the same grace.
    • As the community embraces this principle, we co-create an open environment where people have the liberty to define their strengths and safety to press beyond past limitations.
    • By embracing this principle, practitioners choose to focus on creating results instead of judgments, a practice which solidifies and strengthens a foundation artists can draw from and build upon throughout their flow rEvolution.

Principle II: Choose your language consciously, reflecting a positive attitude.

    • As an example, instead of saying, “I can’t do this!” say, “I can’t do this yet.” By adding the word “yet” to the sentence, students welcome the possibility of eventually learning the move.
    • Just as Rome was not built in a day, mastery is not acquired in a month.
    • Even if you forget for a moment that there are empowering choices available, as you remember you can immediately create a positive attitude by laughing at and to yourself even as you support yourself with grace and compassion.
    • The second principle welcomes challenging experiences whose lessons we use as feedback to facilitate further growth and evolution.
    • We are reminded to continually choose the “I Can” Mindset. “I Can” focuses on creating as many solutions as are necessary to achieve the desired results, a formula that always creates movement toward defined goals.
    • Persevere in the face of fear, frustration and low skill to acquire more learnings and you will continue to gain the knowledge required to unlock more complex puzzles and lessons which naturally evolve your artistry to more rewarding places.The beauty in this journey fuels ongoing perseverance as it cycles again and again.
    • “I can” means limitations beget more creative solutions whose gifts then become valuable resources available in our flow rEvolution.

Principle III: Utilize Self-to-Self comparisons instead of comparing yourself to others.

    • We can always find someone “better” than we are; we can always find someone “worse” than we are. “Better” and “Worse” judgments often imply “Good” and “Bad” evaluations. “Good” evaluations are temporary ego highs while “Bad” evaluations are, all too often, devastating, pervasive and unnecessary ego lows.
    • At any point in time, depending on what criteria we choose, we can judge ourselves as both “bad” and “good.” Since both are possible all the time, the value typically implied in these judgments equates to meaninglessness.
    • This principle reminds us that people learn different moves, lessons and skills at different rates with greater and lesser ease. We all have accomplishments and we all have opportunities for growth. This also means nothing.
    • Rejoicing in the knowledge that everyone’s journey is unique unburdens us of expectations that keep us from being in our practice.
    • This principle offers practitioners the opportunity in each and every moment to remain grounded in our journey by asking questions…
    • “Did I learn anything new today?”
    • “Do I know more now than I did last week?”
    • Each “yes” confirms our progress and affirms our practice and can be added to our flow journals as objective evidence chronicling our flow rEvolution.

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