Beginner Poi Dance, Tuesdays 8 PM

Develop transitions and beginner performance theory in this 4 week dance series. This class is the perfect follow up to the Beginner Moves class (or equivalent material: pinwheels, windmills, chasing the sun, butterflies and weaves). If you have some experience and aren't sure if this class is for you, contact GlitterGirl (glittergirl templeofpoi com) and make arrangements... Continue Reading →

Sparkle Poi: Get Your Rage Cages Now!

Temple of Poi recently partnered with Randy Simpson to bring you Rage Cage Sparkle Poi, a newer poi fire effect that is both fun and different looking. Here's a little FAQ to help you get started with Sparkle Poi! What are sparkle poi? Sparkle poi are metal cages with holes that have charcoal in them that are... Continue Reading →

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