8 Approaches to Choreography

As with any practice, choreographing a work consists of degrees of granularity, in this case where the movements are matched to the music with increasing degree of precision as the choreography becomes more refined. This encompasses a wide range of experiences and approaches to the creation process. This article endeavors to present some commonly utilized concepts... Continue Reading →

Teacher and Business Training

Temple of Poi is pleased to announce our re-designed, attend-from-home, poi and flow arts teacher and business training programs. These courses take place over a 7 month period via Goggle Hangouts (Bay Area students may be able to attend in person) so students need not be in San Francisco to get trained. However, all students will need to have a working Internet connection... Continue Reading →

Beginner Poi Dance, Wednesdays, (1/14/15) 8 PM

Develop transitions and beginner performance theory in this 4 week dance series. This class is the perfect follow up to the Beginner Moves class (or equivalent material: pinwheels, windmills, chasing the sun, butterflies and weaves). If you have some experience and aren't sure if this class is for you, contact GlitterGirl (glittergirl <that crazy little at symbol>... Continue Reading →

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