Opposite Direction, Tuesdays, 8 PM starts 6/5

Have you ever felt like your same direction repertoire is more extensive than your opposite direction moves? If so, this course is for you. This four-week series focuses on working in opposite direction on the front, back, side, floor and ceiling planes with various moves including: thread the needle opposite direction weaves (aka, butterfly weave; aka impossible... Continue Reading →

Beginner Fire Dancing, Wednesdays, 8 PM, 8/1

  Course Overview This a four week course presents extensive fire (poi and other tool) safety information and focuses on students becoming familiar with burning fire poi comfortably and safely. Students garner information about safety practices, building fire poi rigs, lighting fire poi and each student will have an opportunity to spin fire poi and... Continue Reading →

Beginner Dance, Mondays, 6:30 PM – sold out!

Develop transitions and beginner performance theory in this 4 week dance series. This class is the perfect follow up to the Beginner Moves class (or equivalent material: pinwheels, windmills, chasing the sun, butterflies and weaves). If you have some experience and aren't sure if this class is for you, contact GlitterGirl (glittergirl at templeofpoi daught com) and... Continue Reading →

Video Lessons over the Internet

"I can't learn from videos!" We hear it all the time from students who find any one of the following problems with learning from internet videos: some language doesn't make sense the instruction is confusing the instructor isn't using words the student understands (i.e., too much jargon) videos assume a base level of knowledge the... Continue Reading →

Light it Up: Zero to Fire in 4 hours, June 10

Are you looking for a life altering experience empowering you through fun, utilitarian skills you may never have considered possible before while you get to play with FIRE?!?!?  If so, this workshop is for you! This fun filled class is designed to: give students an opportunity to quickly experience fire through a single session help attendees understand how to... Continue Reading →

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