Beginner Dance Wednesday May 10, 8 PM

Develop transitions and beginner performance theory in this 4 week dance series. This class is the perfect follow up to the Beginner Moves class (or equivalent material: pinwheels, windmills, chasing the sun, butterflies and weaves). If you have some experience and aren't sure if this class is for you, contact GlitterGirl (glittergirl templeofpoi com) and make arrangements... Continue Reading →

Mixed Level Hoop Class, March 21, 8 PM

This class is a mixed level class designed for the beginner, advanced beginner and early intermediate hooper/hoopstress. This 80 minute session is a mixed level class teaching drills, exercises and tricks designed to improve the artists overall hoop performance flow. The instructor guides students through the learning process, breaking down the moves and offering analysis... Continue Reading →

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