What Is the Ideal Poi Length?

I get this question a lot: what is the ideal length for my poi?  I took the time to write out an answer to someone on Instagram this morning (if you’re not following me, you can on my PoiPriestess account or if you’re into Mandalas, on my PoiPriestessMandala account ) and thought I’d share it... Continue Reading →

What is Practice?

I was recently in conversation with  clients about what they gain through the practice when we all know it can be such a frustrating and painful challenge while also being time consuming and sometimes hard to motivate toward doing. Certainly one focus is to learn the mechanics of movements/ideas/concepts/frameworks/drills/tools because practice is the continued application of... Continue Reading →

LED Gig Pricing

If you thought this article was about hiring us to perform, try this link instead and book us now!  A friend approached me with a question about LED gig pricing and, having taken a moment to send some good feedback, I thought my answers might be useful to other artists looking to set their rate... Continue Reading →

How the Internet Ruined Education

Catchy article title, huh? Yeah, I think so too. And in some ways, it's utter bullsh*t. At the same time, it also aptly sums up so much of what has transpired in the last decade. Why? Because the internet makes it possible for anyone anywhere to represent themselves as a subject matter expert with little ability... Continue Reading →

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