Our Method

Curious about our classes and what's behind them? Here's a fantastic short film Aaron Sesker put together featuring school and community members  sharing their craft along with Temple of Poi Founder, GlitterGirl, talking about the fundamental approach we take at the school using the Flowology Mindset. https://youtu.be/Z-Chi2Q9gYk

Video Lessons over the Internet

"I can't learn from videos!" We hear it all the time from students who find any one of the following problems with learning from internet videos: some language doesn't make sense the instruction is confusing the instructor isn't using words the student understands (i.e., too much jargon) videos assume a base level of knowledge the... Continue Reading →

Teacher and Business Training

Temple of Poi is pleased to announce our re-designed, attend-from-home, poi and flow arts teacher and business training programs. These courses take place over a 7 month period via Goggle Hangouts (Bay Area students may be able to attend in person) so students need not be in San Francisco to get trained. However, all students will need to have a working Internet connection... Continue Reading →

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