Beginner Dance Class, Tuesdays, 8 PM, 8/4/15 (closed)

Develop transitions and beginner performance theory in this 4 week dance series. This class is the perfect follow up to the Beginner Moves class (or equivalent material: pinwheels, windmills, chasing the sun, butterflies and weaves). If you have some experience and aren't sure if this class is for you, contact GlitterGirl (glittergirl <that crazy little at symbol>... Continue Reading →

Flow Down Performance Workshop

Want to level up your confidence as a flow artist? Need experience working in a constructive environment -- much like a writers group -- for performing skills? Join us for this 4 week series meeting at 8 pm Mondays at Lines Ballet (26, 7th Street, 5th floor, studio 4, San Francisco) July 27, August 3, 10 & 17... Continue Reading →

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